MVHS Back to School Bash brings community together 


MONTE VISTA - On Sept. 13, Monte Vista High School held a Back to School Bash. The bash was organized by the Monte Vista School Parent-Teacher Organization with sponsorship from the LOR Foundation. The Back to School Bash was held at the high school baseball field, and everyone was welcome to attend. 

Approximately 450 people, including students, teachers, and parents, attended the event, that took place before Monte Vista’s home football game. The event was decorated with lots of green and gold decor, there were multiple booths all over the event, with free hot dogs, chips, and water being given out to all attendees. 

There were at least three bouncy houses for the kids across the field. Monte Vista FFA, along with Monte Vista High School cheerleaders had a booth at the event. There was a splash tower set up for anyone who wanted to try to throw a splash bucket on whoever might have been sitting under it at the bash. 

Kids who attended had large smiles as they climbed up, jumping, and sliding down the giant bouncy houses all over the park. 

There was a booth set up specifically with Monte Vista Pirates hoodies for sale. The Sno Shack with snow cones was also on site, with the first 300 snow cones free that night. Students at the high school walked all over the field, smiling on their cell phones or near their parents, as they checked out all the events at the bash. 

Officer of the LOR Foundation Ivette Atencio attended the event and stated, "it was great to see so many people there. LOR did sponsor the event. The kids and parents all looked like they were having so much fun. It was really great to see other organizations come out and support the event as well. I think community engagement is very important, and LOR is always happy to support such efforts.” 

Mother of a high school student, Christina Lopez, said the Bash was a great way to meet school staff. 

"The teachers looked really happy to be here. The bash has been fun, lots of cool games, and some good organizations here showing spirit for the Pirates. One thing I appreciate is if you haven't met all your kids' teachers, the bash is a great place to do it, I met a lot of them here, it's been nice. They even give out dinner and a free entrance to the game, very cool." 

Grandmother of a high school student, Rose Salazar, also attended the event and said, "It's nice of the teachers to organize this, looks like a lot to put together. I saw a lot of kids and parents that are here, wearing Monte Pirate shirts, everybody looks like they are excited about this game. I want to thank everyone for doing this for the kids. I'm here with my daughter and grandkids and I'm a proud grandma of a football player, too."