Trout Republic-Show me the money

It is pretty hard to escape the news about all the Hollywood sexual shenanigans that have been exposed of lately.
While many Americans assumed this kind of behavior as probably normal for the industry, it is now finally getting the attention it deserves. And the fake shock by the media and others is probably the best acting I have seen since Jimmy Stewart in “It’s a Wonderful Life” so there is an upside.
For my money, it looks like these are the same people who say there is too much gun violence, yet, they star in movies that promote gun violence. They are also the same ones – or at least they are cut from the same cloth – who star in movies with rape and mayhem and, yet, they somehow want me to believe that their true character is as pure as the wind-driven snow.
And, don’t get me started about their loyalty and fidelity to a spouse. It seems that many of those Hollywood types trade partners like used cars at Junior Samples car lot on a seemingly monthly basis. Call BR-549?
Even my hero Clint Eastwood took a swipe at swingdom as he and his wife simply swapped with their best friends. Clint took his best friend’s wife, temporarily; and the best friend ended up with Clint’s wife, permanently. Now I know that some people believe the grass can be greener on the other side of a fence but when you are 87 like Clint, the grass may be a tad old and moldy at least on his side.
Now, before I go on, I must say there is no excuse – none, zip, zilch, nada – for anyone to put up with any kind of abuse. Period. That’s true for my daughter, your daughters, our sisters, our spouses and our friends. It is up to all of us to keep the predators at bay.
And, that’s what I think about that.
I will say, however that when we have these big reveals of poor behavior, there are also people on the flip side of the coin. There are opportunists who could win an Academy Award for their willingness to use the perception of abhorrent behavior to their advantage. And, yes, I’m talking about people who don’t want “justice” to be carried out, but would prefer a little hush money to be deposited in the bank.
When Ol’ Dutch studied that real deep-like -- a risky adventure according to Miss Trixie -- I realized that I am one of these so-called opportunists.
For you see, I, too, have suffered at the hands of some of these movie stars.
The main actor in my favorite movie recently lost his television gig due to secrets coming out of his past “performances” and now I feel violated.
Simply thinking of watching my once beloved movie turns my stomach and leaves me light-headed. And, so now I believe I may be entitled to compensation for “mental stress” or “mental duress.” And I don’t really care what you call it as long as I get what is coming to me.
A timely and much needed cash settlement would go a long ways toward healing the pain I feel inside and the therapy -- hopefully in the form of a new boat – would certainly heal this man up from all of these horrible experiences.
I fear now this is just the tip of the iceberg as far as abuse claims go.
So, if you too have been damaged in like manner as Ol’ Dutch and your movie nights have been reduced to watching old reruns of I Love Lucy, get your claim in early. This is gonna get bad and they may run out of cash before they get to all of us.

Kevin Kirkpatrick and his Yorkie, Cooper, fish, hunt, ATV or hike daily. His email is [email protected]. Additional news can be found at or on Twitter at TroutRepublic.