Trout Republic-Great mattress conspiracy

After too many years of sleeping on a horrible original RV mattress, Miss Trixie and I decided to bite the proverbial bullet and get a new one.
As most of you know, shopping for a mattress is not without its quirks and problems as getting just the right one is difficult at best.
Even if you go to a mattress store the plethora of styles and firmness choices make selection difficult at best.
Delivery to and into the bedroom is also quite the feat as mostly it’s like trying to maneuver a sumo wrestler into a tight fitting box.
Couples who attempt this feat often end up fighting or divorced with one person sleeping on the couch which totally negates the need for a new mattress in the first place. At least for him.
Getting a mattress into an RV is even a bigger feat and one left to the experts. Hence Trixie decided we could do it.
She opted for one of those new fancy dancy memory foam models and since they come rolled up, getting it in the bedroom was no real obstacle but getting the old one out took a bit of bending, pushing, pulling and swearing.
Finally the new one was in place and plastic cut releasing the memory foam to its destiny of full expansion. It quickly rose from a 4 inch compacted shape to 12 inches and looked like the Lucy show where she inflates a Navy raft in the house.
Of course Miss Trixie has to read the instructions and they recommended that we let it rise to full height like some muffin in the oven before sleeping on it.
This became what is known as a “night on the hide-a-bed” or what chiropractors know as “new business.”
I awoke with the bar across the middle of said bed imbedded in my back and Miss Trixie in on the new bed sleeping away like Sleeping Beauty. I guess the instructions were meant just for me.
Even Cooper was mad about the hide-a-bed situation and up all night barking at nothing.
The one thing I did notice was the tag on the mattress and as you all know it’s against the law to remove said tag on these items and pillows.
I can recall feeling extra naughty one time and tearing off the scratchy tag on my pillow having fought it for a few years. Thank God that pillow and the accompanying evidence is long gone or I might be facing some real jail time here.
Miss Trixie says that the mattress needs a full 48 hours of rest before I can rest which means another night on the couch for me with her on the new bed as it somehow does not apply to her sleek form.
I would recommend one of these mattresses next time you are in the market but they can be more expensive than the standard kind due to the fact that intelligent people will schedule a vacation for the time it needs to rise.
Not sure Tom Bodett has a place around here but I am gonna be looking at the barn loft as a good second choice. Same accomodations without the bedbugs.  

Kevin Kirkpatrick and his Yorkie, Cooper, fish, hunt, ATV or hike daily. His email is [email protected]. Additional news can be found at or on Twitter at TroutRepublic.