The Adams State Chemistry Magic Show is back live and in-person


ALAMOSA — The Adams State University Chemistry Department is bringing back the Chemistry Magic Show live, in-person, on Oct. 28. The annual event celebrates the theme, “Marvelous Metals” at 4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 28, in Carson Auditorium, located in the Student Union Building. The event is free and open to the public.

The magic show is for all ages. Continuing the now 30-year tradition, chemistry students and faculty will engage the audience in a fast-paced series of demonstrations involving changing colors, very high and very low temperatures, bright lights and loud noises, all illustrating the entertaining side of science.

After the show, elementary school children can participate in safe and fun hands-on activities in Porter Hall, third floor. Activities are free of charge. Younger children should be accompanied by supervising adults.

Although seating should be plentiful, larger groups are asked to notify Chris Adams, professor of chemistry, at The parking lot north of the Student Union Building has free parking for visitors.