Sargent school board appoints David as acting superintendent

Crowther resigned earlier this month due to ‘personal reasons’


MONTE VISTA — Former Sargent School District Superintendent Brian Crowther recently resigned due to “personal reasons” and the Board of Education appointed Shelley David, as acting Superintendent.

It is currently unknown exactly why Crowther resigned. David said he cited “personal reasons.”

David, who has been the Sargent High School principal since 2019, is happy about the transition.

“My favorite part of education is being part of a system that is bigger than myself,” she said. “I have had the privilege to work with and alongside many talented educators and students. Being in a system and watching students I taught in the first grade then bring their kids back home to Sargent to receive their education, is a real honor.”

David is a San Luis Valley native who was born and raised in Monte Vista. David has a master’s and is earning her Type D in Education Leadership for a principal’s license from Colorado State University Global. David has been part of education system in the Valley for 31 years, being named Sargent Teacher of the Year, and San Luis Valley Teacher of the Year in 2001.

David began as a substitute teacher for the Monte Vista and Sargent school districts and became a first-grade teacher at Sargent, holding that position for 17 years.

David has also taught fifth and sixth grade “English/Writing,” and ninth and 10th grade “Honors English,” and 11th and 12th grade “Concurrent English.”

David has also served as an Adjunct Professor with Adams State University, teaching “Literature and Language,” to first-year Education students.

David has also worked as a Sargent Curriculum Coordinator and Instruction Coach. In 2019, the position for high school principal opened at Sargent, and David applied and was hired. She is currently the “Secondary Principal,” over the junior high and high school, and “District Superintendent” for Sargent Schools.

There have been many changes in the Sargent School District in the past year. One of the biggest changes was when former Sargent School District Trustee Gina Mitchell was censured by the school board last year and was recalled by voters in November of 2022.

When asked what her overall goals are for 2023 in the school district, David responded by saying, “I believe that schools must keep students their first priority.”

David said that when situations in the system come up, she has a sticky note on the board that is in front of her desk reminding her to always remember what is best for the students.

“Being in this district for over 30 years, starting from the ground up, and viewing many different aspects of the school, has provided me with a broad viewpoint of what is needed within a district to move us forward. My goal for 2023 is to keep our focus on our students. I believe that a solid vision will connect our teachers, staff, students, parents, and community.” David said. “It is not a vision written on the walls, but the action in the halls.”