One Cent Tax Committee reviewed 2021 budget proposals

MONTE VISTA - The City’s One Cent Oversight Committee met on Sept. 8 and reviewed budget proposals for the FY2021 One Cent Tax Funds.

The Committee is made up of members of the public appointed by the City Council as mandated by the voters.  Committee members and members of the City Council heard proposals from the Public Works Department, the Police Department and Ski Hi for expenditures in 2021 totaling approximately $495,000 in requests.

The Public Works Department proposals featured street paving as the major component with a small sidewalk replacement matching program. The Police Department proposed adding an officer, all of the outfitting for the officer, and the addition of one police vehicle as well as the associated technology for the vehicle.  In the Ski-Hi portion of the One Cent Fund, the major budget areas of recommended funding are a portion of a facilities/sales manager, covering utility costs for the new building and appropriations for recreational equipment to support the City’s recreation program.

“This committee process has gone really well, and the members were very engaged in the presentations and provided useful input into the direction of the future uses of these funds,” said Forrest Neuerburg, Monte Vista City Manager.  “I really want to thank them, the Council and the staff members that helped make this a successful process.”

Following two hours of discussions and presentations, the Committee voted to recommend the City Council approve the requests.  The Committee also voted to meet a minimum of four times a year to keep in touch with the actual approved budget and to monitor and discuss changes which might occur throughout the year.

Members of the Committee participated this summer in a Citizen’s Academy where they were introduced to a broad array of City operations.  The presentations and tours were not limited just to those departments and activities which are part of the one cent tax funding, but included every department and aspect of City operations including the City’s finances and current year budget.

Committee members include Kathleen Krager, Kathy Lorenz, Ken Hamko, Karla Shriver, Kathleen Ellithorpe and Deb Darby.  The Council member assigned as the liaison is Gary Johnson.

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