LETTERs TO THE EDITOR: Martinez looks out for best interest of others

Dear Editor,
As someone who has known Councilman Matthew Martinez for the past four years, I was unnerved to read the “New Direction” article in which Mr. Martinez was unrightfully condemned for his democratic process procedures.
Mr. Martinez has always been one who has looked out for the interests of others. His continued dedication to his community has had a positive impact on the community members around him. Mr. Martinez goes above and beyond and helps engage the interest of community members by getting them involved. Encouraging them to attend city hall meetings, or in my case informing me of an internship opportunity with the Monte Vista Police Department, Councilman Martinez is always searching for innovative ways to engage the community.
Carrying with him the military value of “one team one fight”, Mr. Martinez realizes that the city of Monte Vista consists of more than the voices of the elected officials sitting at the head of the room, the voices of all community members deserve to be heard on key issues. By adding the marijuana measure to the ballot, council gave the voice to the people, and they will speak in November.
Matthew Martinez is one who continues to practice the Marine Corps’ core values of honor, courage and commitment in his daily life and holds those around him to the same standard. With honor, he considers every community member’s opinion with fairness and integrity, despite his own opinions on the issue. He has the courage to stand up against a room full of naysayers and request an issue be brought to vote by the community even though he knows he will be condemned.
Making a commitment to his community to be their voice when needed, but knowing when to step back and let their voices be heard, he shoulders this burden so no one else has to.
Thank you,
Brandy Parry,
U.S. Navy Veteran
North Haven, Conn.