Cranes swoop through Monte Vista


MONTE VISTA - The ‘Swoop of the Cranes,’ have landed on the streets of Monte Vista. Fifty beautiful and unique silhouettes where mounted on the light posts on either side of Highway 160 between Madison and Broadway last Friday. A few have also found a place to roost on Adams Street.
The 5 feet tall 12 gauge metal cranes have each been sponsored by local businesses and organizations in the city and have been decorated by talented local artists. The birds will be on display from March to August. During the Crane Fest voting by citizens and guests will be conducted to decide a People’s Choice Award. There will also be a panel of artists who will judge to determine the winner of the Artist’s Choice Award. In addition there will also be a Chamber Choice Award, with the Chamber of Commerce polling its members. Not only will winning artists receive recognition but they will also receive $100 per award. Voting during the crane festival will be possible by scanning a code attached to the crane of your choice. Or you can also go online and cast your vote at

Currently the plan is to collect the silhouettes in late August and host a special event in Sept. The event will be a fundraiser and will include a live or silent auction of all the metal cranes. Organizations and businesses that have sponsored birds will be allowed to “buy back,” their cranes if they so wish for $50. The remaining silhouettes will be auctioned off and the money raised from the event will be used for beautification projects in the city of Monte Vista.
Although they have just gone up, the colorful birds have already attracted a great deal of interest. Local business owners are hopeful that the beautiful cranes will encourage people to get out and explore all that Monte Vista has to offer. “I’ve already heard people saying as they drive downtown their like ‘Wow! So many beautiful cranes. I should stop and get a round of pictures,’” said Kyle Riggenbach of Rain Brews Tavern.
Katy Kelley part owner of FaeMoon Wolf Designs, shared how her mother and her were once driving through Canyon City and there was an art display that caused them to stop and explore. “My mom went back a couple of weekends later and I think that those cranes are going to do the same here in Monte Vista. Even if people are going somewhere and they can’t stop they’re going to say I want to come back and look,” said Kelley.
Many are hopeful this spring and summer that visitors will flock to Monte Vista to see these spectacular birds and enjoy this special city.