Continental Divide Free Ride is getting ready for upcoming season


MONTE VISTA — The Continental Divide Free Ride for youth in the San Luis Valley is getting ready for the upcoming ski season. 

The Continental Divide Freeride is a non-profit youth ski and snowboard free-ride team, working under the international free skiers and snowboarders’ association, Rocky Mountain Division. The Continental Divide Freeride or CDF has opportunities in three different age groups, youth ages 12 and under, youth ages 12-14, and youth ages 15-18 to ski and ride together. 

There are various competitions in freeriding. Freeriding is big mountain skiing or riding within a designated area. Wolf Creek Ski Area hosts the area's freeriding teams. During the summer and winter months, fundraising events take place for the skiers and free riders. Kids can be seen at local farmers markets and can also be seen all over the Valley selling ground coffee specifically made and sold for the benefit of the skiers that are enrolled with the free ride program. One hundred percent of the proceeds from the sales go to the free riders.  

Youth interested in skiing with CDF should have prior skiing and snowboarding experience. Children are also required to have their own transportation to and from the events. Children must also have their own lift tickets for days that the group practices, and children should also have their own equipment. Normal practice days usually occur on Saturdays during ski season. 

CDF is completely non-profit. Local children who are interested in registering for the group and participating in this upcoming ski season can email